EXPERIENCED PROJECT MANAGEMENT Services from the Heart of Gurugram

Regardless of the type of project, project managers play a major role in ensuring the successful completion of them. This is because they are a skilled set of individuals that are capable of economically, effectively, and efficiently for initiating, planning, executing, monitoring & controlling, and closing projects. These skills are what guarantee the smooth flow of activities with minimal variances from the original plan.

Due to this, our construction company Gurugram has undertaken the task of offering project management services to our clients. A group of professionals has skillfully crafted our project management services to make sure that we deliver the best of outcomes for you.

Our Efficient Project Management Services Include

  • On-site management

Our project managers are more than prepared to work from their office or yourlocation. After all, we understand the importance of being on-site to manage projects' workflow effectively.

  • Cost estimating & value engineering

Our services also include cost estimations and value engineering. Hence, prior to the project's initiation, our team will do a comprehensive estimate of your project's expected cost and the different approaches through which value can be added to the final output.

  • Scheduling, Phasing, & Milestones

Our project managers will also carry out the scheduling, phasing, and milestone allocation for your projects to make certain that the progress is on par with the expected.

  • Project documentation and digital file maintenance

We will document your project's progress along the way and keep digital records of it for reference.

  • Progress and financial reporting

To guarantee the successful completion of projects, we will continuously monitor and report the projects' progress and financial status.

In addition to the above, the project management services offered by our Chetak Construction Company also include:

  • Change order management
  • Compliance with GC requirements
  • Bid procurement 
  • Leadership of meetings
  • Contract administration
  • Quality insurance enforcement
  • Issue avoidance and dispute resolution
  • Contract closeout

Construction Management Services Offered At CHETAK Construction

In addition to project management services, our Chetak Construction Company also offers construction management services. These services can be categorized into two phases based on the point in which they are carried out. These categories are:


  1. Pre-construction services
  2. Construction services

Pre-Construction Services offered at our construction company Gurugram.

As the name itself suggests, pre-construction services are those that we carry out before initiating the construction itself. Hence, it mostly includes defining the scope of the project, Planning and budgeting activities that are profound in projects' success.

Construction Services At Our Chetak Construction Company

The construction services we offer are those that are carried out during the construction process itself. These services are of significant value in controlling the project's implementation and enhancing the quality of the final outcomes. Similar to our pre-construction services, our construction services also include a variety of high-quality activities.

Our All-Inclusive Pre-Construction Services Comprise Of

  • Scope definition & program management

Before initiating the construction, we will begin by pinpointing our project's scope and how the management of it takes place.

  • Establishing communication protocols

We will map out the communication protocols among our construction project stakeholders. These protocols will make communication much more effective, making the entire process much more straightforward.

  • Budget development

When it comes to construction projects, we must stick to our budget limits. Hence, our Chetak Construction Company will develop a realistic budget for your project.

Moreover, our pre-construction services also include:

  • Master schedule development
  • Site selection assistance
  • Architect and engineer selection advisory
  • Special consultants selection advisory
  • Development of project-specific website
  • Cost estimation & value engineering
  • Identifying phasing options & setting milestones
  • Constructability Reviews
  • Contract requirements advisory
  • Bid phase management

Our Construction Management Services Include:

  • Scheduling & schedule monitoring

We will carry out the necessary scheduling of the construction activities and monitor whether the relevant milestones are being met. 

  • Cost control oversight

We will continuously overlook the project's financials to make sure that we do not exceed our budget at any point.

  • On-site coordination

Our team will be on location to ensure that they can be on-site to track and monitor the project's execution.

Furthermore, we also provide the following construction services at our construction company Gurugram.

  • The leadership of coordination meetings
  • Contract administration & management
  • Progress & financial reporting
  • Project document & digital file maintenance
  • Change order management
  • Open item tracking & reporting
  • Issue avoidance & dispute resolution
  • Contract closeout supervision
  • Oversight Commissioning